who's involved


That's Who

The primary culprits are

Billy Milionis
Billy Milionis


Jeff Bollow
Jeff Bollow


In a minute, you're going to see some similarities between the people behind the camera and the people in front of the camera.  Before you go thinking it's just one big self-indulgent ego trip, we should explain the history of 6,000 Miles from Hollywood.



Way back in 1993, two actor/filmmakers met in Los Angeles.  One was an L.A.-native named Jeff, and the other was an Australian named Billy, Two total wankers.who had come to L.A. to study acting.  They both wanted to make films, and they both believed each other's delusions of grandeur.

Three years later, Jeff decided to visit Australia, convinced they could make their own feature-length film together.  But Billy was in the throes of post-production on a short film.  And a feature film would have to wait.

So Jeff moved to New Zealand in pursuit of the almighty Xena.  A year later, the two were no closer to making their feature film.  3am is a wonderful time to still be shooting...Billy was pitching investors on an action script he'd written called Monkey on a Stick, but wasn't having any luck.  So Jeff decided to write 6,000 Miles from Hollywood, a film they could make in the garage.

Not wanting to make a cheesy, low-budget action or horror flick, and still being confined to the realm of the "micro-budget," Jeff decided to write a script around easily-accessible elements Billy had available in Sydney.  That way, if nobody else showed up, The boat ride to Kylie's beach...Billy and Jeff could still make the film themselves.

Billy had acquired the 16mm film equipment needed -- camera, lights, sound equipment, flatbed editing table -- to make their film without paying for rentals.  So they were pretty flexible.  They could shoot whenever, wherever, and didn't have to rely on too many other people.

They considered casting other actors to play David and Spy, but, in the end, it just didn't make sense.  That's Kylie!They'd have to work around actors' schedules, and if someone dropped out along the way, they'd be royally screwed.  Most people underestimate just how long it takes to make a feature film.  Especially when it's being made in a garage.

Besides, they were both working, professional actors in their own right.  And Billy and Jeff knew that they were in it for the long haul, even if no one else was.  So the decision to "do it all ourselves" was made.  A pragmatic decision, borne of the desire to make feature films, and the fear that no one else would have the stamina to spend three years (and counting) working on it.

And that's how they wound up on both sides of the camera in the greatest Hollywood film ever made in a Sydney garage.





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