

Get in Touch!

We aim to please, and this website is meant for a lot of different kinds of people.  Naturally, Later this day, police will think these guys have an outboard motor strapped to the's here to give you further information about the film.  But it's also here for industry types, fans and even friends and family.

We'd love to hear from you. But thanks to the ungodly amount of spam we receive, we've had to delete the old email addresses.

We then set up a form to fill out, and idiot spam jerks decided to spam that, too. So we've decided to take it offline, also. If you'd like to contact us via email, the new email address is guys at 6000 miles dot com. Obviously, you'll need to format that like an email address, but we look forward to hearing from you (unless you're an idiot spam jerk, in which case, seriously, don't you have anything better to do?).


Mailing Addresses

Our mailing addresses are posted here for your convenience.  We love getting really expensive gifts and anonymous cash donations.   But if you're too sensible for that, just use the mailing addresses for correspondence that won't fit into an email box.

Aussywood Pictures
PO Box 679
Sylvania Waters, NSW 2224
Embryo Films
PO Box 300
Artarmon, NSW 1570



home  .   about the film  .  who's involved  .  current status  .  merchandise  .  contact


copyright © 1999 - 2005 by Aussywood Pictures and Embryo Films.