

Say What?

Alright.  Eventually, this will be the place to come for all your groovy 6,000 Miles from Hollywood junk-and-merchandising paraphernalia.  Oh, you know, t-shirts, caps, buttons, mugs, bumper stickers, Billy dolls, and maybe even one of those bubble landscape things where you shake it upside down and the snow falls through the water.

At the moment, though, we've got more pressing issues.  Like finishing the film.  We're working on creating a t-shirt, but we'll only make them once we get enough interest from you!  So, if you want a 6,000 Miles from Hollywood t-shirt, send an email to and we'll put you on the list.  There's no obligation at this point, we're just doing a tally.


The Bookstore

In Association with

In the meantime, we've joined up with to be an associate.  There are dozens of books we've found helpful, and that you might find helpful, too.  If you do end up buying any of these, we'll get a small commission (and I mean small!), but it'll help us offset the cost of this website.

Just make sure to click through one of these links if you're going to buy anything... you'll be helping us out, and since we like these books, we're pretty sure you will, too!



Click here to Order!Our favourite acting book, hands down, is Sanford Meisner On Acting.  In fact, it's required reading at The Actor's Pulse, and widely regarded as one of the greatest books on acting ever written.

This book can be ordered through The Actor's Pulse or here online.  Click the image or click here to order Sanford Meisner On Acting from


Click Here to Order!For anyone seriously interested in acting, Audition is a must-read.  The techniques are not only valuable in an audition, they're extremely helpful in scenework, too.   Actually, they're even helpful in real life!

Click the image or click here to order Audition from


Indie Film-making

Click here to Order!This is a great book!  And it's one of the few books on our list that will actually enhance your enjoyment of 6,000 Miles from Hollywood.  Be warned, though.  Rebel Without a Crew might make you want to run out and shoot your own film!

Click the image or click here to order Rebel Without a Crew from


Click Here to Order!Independent Feature Film Production is one of those books you wish you had before you started.  Well, we had it, but now there's a new updated version.  Read this book to find out how to do it.  Then you'll understand why it takes so long!

Click the image or click here to order Independent Feature Film Production from


Click here to Order!Another good resource for the ultra-low-budget filmmaker.  You won't actually be able to make film as cheaply as the title suggests, but Feature Filmmaking at Used Car Prices gives the novice filmmaker some good ideas.

Click the image or click here to order Feature Filmmaking at Used Car Prices from


Script Writing

Click here to Order!The basic rules for writing for the screen, Story will give you the fundamentals, and offer additional tips and insights to make a story work.  This is one of the most popular books on screenplay writing, and it's definitely worth a look.

Click the image or click here to order Story from


Click Here to Order!Writing a screenplay is a tough process.  But it doesn't need to be an internal struggle!  We found How to Write a Movie in 21 Days a great help!  It might take longer than the title suggests, but this one will help you get there.

Click the image or click here to order How to Write a Movie in 21 Days from


Click Here to Order!Want to sell your script to Hollywood?  500 Ways to Beat the Hollywood Script Reader shows you how to get positive reviews from the people that actually evaluate your script.   Highly recomended!

Click the image or click here to order 500 Ways to Beat the Hollywood Script Reader from


Click Here to Order!Now that you've used all the other books to write your script, you'll love The Screenwriter's Problem Solver.  It gives you checklists and help when you need it most -- after you've written the script, but before it's truly effective.

Click the image or click here to order The Screenwriter's Problem Solver from



Click here to Order!Jeff's book! After teaching nearly 1,000 writers and seeing the same basic problem (no time to write!), Jeff devised a simple, step-by-step writing system called FAST (Focus, Apply, Strengthen, Tweak). Applies to any kind of writing.

Click the image or click here to order Writing FAST: How to Write Anything with Lightning Speed from



Click here to Order!If you've ever wondered about the craft of feature film directing, Sidney Lumet's Making Movies offers a wonderful insight.  Lumet has been nominated 5 times for the Academy Award.  His book offers a fascinating personal insight into the process.

Click the image or click here to order Making Movies from



Click here to Order!Two-time Academy Award-winning film editor Walter Murch offers In The Blink of an Eye, a look inside the unique and unusual process of editing.  If there's any wonder why post-production takes so long, you might understand it after you read this!

Click the image or click here to order In The Blink of an Eye from


Legal Issues

Click here to Order!Wait, you mean we have to worry about legal issues, too???  If you're making a film, you can't overlook the basics, and Dealmaking in the Film & Television Industry is there to help.   Armed with knowledge, maybe we can stay out of court!

Click the image or click here to order Dealmaking in the Film & TV Industry from


General Film-Related Books

Click here to Order!Elia Kazan is one of Billy's favourite directors, whose credits include East of Eden and On The Waterfront, and a founding member of the famed Group Theatre.  A Life is his autobiography, and one of the best theatre books available.

Click the image or click here to order Elia Kazan: A Life from


Click Here to Order! Easy Riders, Ragigng Bulls is a look into Hollywood in the 70s, where sex, drugs, and rock 'n' roll took Hollywood out of the golden era and into the hands of the New Hollywood.  Very entertaining!

Click the image or click here to order Audition from


Click Here to Order!One of the more entertaining showbiz autobiographies, It Would Be So Nice If You Weren't Here follows Charles Grodin (Midnight Run, The Heartbreak Kid, Beethoven) in his road up the ladder to stardom.  And makes you wonder why people bother!

Click the image or click here to order It Would Be So Nice If You Weren't Here from


Click Here to Order!Can't get enough of independent film?  Check out Spike, Mike, Slackers & Dykes, a book that takes you behind-the-scenes into the world of independent filmmaking, to see the stories behind such films as Pulp Fiction, Clerks, and She's Gotta Have It.

Click the image or click here to order Spike, Mike, Slackers & Dykes from


We'll be adding more book recommendations when we get the time, but all of these books are highly recommended by either Billy or Jeff (and in most cases both of us).

Don't forget... if you decide to order any of these books through, please click through these links to help us out!  In fact, if you decide to order anything through, searching with this box or clicking the logo beneath it first will help!

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Thanks!  And enjoy!!!



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